blonde women

We clarify hair: 5 precepts of the blonde

Clever people are called by “lucid minds”. And if in addition platinum ringlets and attractive appearance are applied to this honorary title, we will receive the faultless blonde.

It is known that clarification – one of the most difficult hairdresser’s procedures. The slightest mistake – and from a mirror looks at you not a blond angel, but a disgusting chicken. To avoid disappointments and not to trifle time and means, note innovative technologies in coloring. The last development in this area – nacreous polish for blondes.

The polish for blondes which is exclusively presented by the well-known Paul Mitchell brand represents a superficial covering of hair which and) delicately grinds a shade; b) has the powerful restoring effect. It is, in fact, dye, but absolutely special, from those products of the last generation which carry to hair only advantage. Impossible becomes possible thanks to total absence of ammonia and other harmful substances as a part of polish. And still – big concentration of the looking after components, main of which – soy proteins and oil of nutmeg. Proteins, as we know, is the protein making a basis of our hair. Their shortage instantly affects a condition of a head of hear. Hair lose gloss, elasticity, become fragile. Very often results aggressive clarification in such result, especially house. For this reason it is so important to all newly-baked blondes to restore hair powerful modern tools.


And even because of influence of ammonia dyes hair begin to lose moisture. Natural oils – they help to cope with this problem not only deeply moisten ringlets, but also prevent further dehydration. They are often included in structure of the restoring masks. But the much bigger effect can be reached if to combine home care with professional polishing.

Color and light

Yellowish shade after influence by the clarifying powder or cream – a problem very widespread. Also it is not necessary to blame the master’s clumsy! Similar undesirable effects are connected with feature of hair. If from the burning brunette you want to turn into the blond beauty, be ready that after the clarification additional measures will be required. Polish for blondes in this case will help to kill two hares – both to restore hair and to give them beautiful color.

Choose a shade, proceeding from the hair color type. At light skin and eyes are good cold tone. If skin peach, and eyes brown or greenish, pay attention to honey shades. You cannot be defined in any way? Polish for blondes gives the chance to experiment though each two weeks. Hair will receive a big portion of substances necessary for them and will gain glossy gloss – as from models from covers of magazines.

Stefanie Kotselski, art director of Paul Mitchell Germany:
When you work with blondes, the speed of work is very important! New revolutionary dyes create ideal star tone of any shades, and do it instantly.

Polish for blondes is an elegant solution of all problems of the clarified hair, beginning from not esthetic yellowness and finishing with a stressful condition of hair as a result of aggressive influences. It is the procedure of the future created taking into account a rhythm of life of the modern woman. The tremendous effect is gained almost instantly”.

5 precepts of the blonde

  1. Clarification is considered one of the most difficult hairdresser’s procedures. Entrust it to the professional if you do not want to join ranks of blondes.
  2. It is also necessary to polish blond ringlets only in salon. First, such professional dye is not on sale in shops. Secondly, only the master will be able to mix several shades to receive that which suits you.
  3. “No” to repeated clarification! Everything that to you it is necessary, – to tint the growing roots and to watch freshness of a shade.
  4. Do not forget about appropriate home care. Replace habitual shampoo on intensively moistening or restoring. After washing surely use the conditioner, and once a week make a mask.
  5. Everyone can be a blonde. The main thing – to pick up “the” shade. Modern technologies give such chance, keeping at the same time health of hair. Be aware of the last innovations!